Jeff Herring

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STOP Creating Content! {say what?}

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Content Creation: 3 FAQs and 3 SAQs?

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How to Create Consistently Profitable Content

Did you know most people who try to create consistently profitable content fail miserably? It’s true. Some even give up! Here’s the problem you face: many falsely believe you have to spend 2–3 or more a day creating content. Nothing could be further from the truth! Luckily for you there’s now a solution to creating […]

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STOP! 7 Things You Need to Know Before You Create Your Next Article

Tips for articles, blog posts, videos, podcasts, and more… Content Marketing is a great way to create online visibility, build traffic and a list: fast. To do so you want to create multiple small samples of your expertise, also know as articles. Whether you have never written an article before or you have written hundreds, […]

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I Created this “BONUS Tip Stealth Call to Action” Genius Template Just for You

CALL TO ACTION GENIUS TEMPLATES I Created this “BONUS Tip Stealth Call to Action” Genius Template Just for You Check out this Stealth Call to Action I created this “BONUS Tip Call to Action” Genius Template just for you because this is where so many people get hung up with knowing what to say. Many […]

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Looking for Fresh Content Ideas?

CONTENT CREATION TIPS FOR YOU: Looking for Fresh Content Ideas? Tired of the “same-old-same-old?” Yeah, me too… Even if you’re one of the most prolific content creators on the planet, we all struggle with creating fresh content ideas. And who wants to do the “same-old-same-old” content, right? That’s why I created the 21 Fresh Content […]

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